DEQ-5 Assessment Tool

Take a short (1 min) DEQ-5 Assessment. Please answer the following 5 questions by selecting the answer that best represents your symptoms. Select only one answer per question.

1. Questions about EYE DISCOMFORT:

a. During a typical day in the past month, how often did your eyes feel discomfort?






b. When your eyes feel discomfort, how intense was this feeling of discomfort at the end of the day, within two hours of going to bed?

Never have it

Not at all intense




Very intense

2. Questions about EYE DRYNESS:

a. During a typical day in the past month, how often did your eyes feel dry?






b. When your eyes feel discomfort, how intense was this feeling of discomfort at the end of the day, within two hours of going to bed?

Never have it

Not at all intense




Very intense

3. Questions about WATERY EYES:

a. During a typical day in the past month, how often did your eyes look or feel excessively watery?






DEQ-5 Assessment Tool

Thank you for taking the DEQ-5 assessment.

Your score 00

You may have Sjogren's Disease and/or Dry Eye Disease. Please consult an eye specialist or ophthalmologist for personalized medical advice.

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If you are interested in having your dry eye problem checked by an eye care professional, you can print or get your DEQ-5 assessment results by emailing to yourself and/or your ophthalmologist.

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DEQ-5 Assessment Tool

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Your DEQ-5 Assessment Results

Full Name: Age: Sex:

Email Address:

Your Score: 14

You may have Sjogren's Disease and/or Dry Eye Disease. Please consult an eye specialist or ophthalmologist for personalized medical advice.

  • 1. Questions about EYE DISCOMFORT

    a. During a typical day in the past month, how often did your eyes feel discomfort?

    b. When your eyes feel discomfort, how intense was this feeling of discomfort at the end of the day, within two hours of going to bed?

  • 2. Questions about EYE DRYNESS

    a. During a typical day in the past month, how often did your eyes feel dry?

    2; Sometimes

    b. When your eyes felt dry, how intense was this feeling of dryness at the end of the day, within two hours of going to bed?

    3; Very intense

  • 3. Questions about WATERY EYES

  • a. During a typical day in the past month, how often did your eyes look or feel excessively watery?

    2; Sometimes